February 2011-August 2012

08 February 2012

February 6, 2012 Still in Sylmar

So the big news this week: Hna Erickson is leaving. I'm REALLY sad for me. And REALLY happy for her. She's going to open up a new area in the Young Single Adult Spanish branch, take over an Elders' area in Reseda, and train a new hermana... all at the same time! She definitely has her work cut out for her but she'll do great! I'm really proud of her. :)

I'm staying here for another 6 weeks... this will be my 6th transfer here in Sylmar. Yep. But I'm getting Hermana White, who is just delightful, so I'm excited about that! We'll have a great time together. :) 

Wladimir was confirmed yesterday. And unbeknownst to us, he had already been interviewed by the Bishop and also received both the Aaronic Priesthood and a calling as the Assistant Ward Mission Leader! Cool, huh?! That's NEVER happened to me with a new convert. Especially in a Spanish Ward! He'll be well taken care of. He has lots to learn from the members about how to act appropriately, and about true, correct doctrine. But the ward has lots to learn from him about being ANXIOUSLY and zealously engaged in a good cause... the BEST cause! :)

On a very different front, something I specifically have NOT mentioned in my emails is that I actually have been having lots of health problems for the last several months and I'm actually having surgery tomorrow. Due to the risks involved with the surgery, my mission president requested that my mother be here with me for a couple days. What a HUGE tender mercy from the Lord. I'm so very grateful for her being here with me this week. I'm confident that all will go well in surgery. No matter what happens, the Lord is in charge. I'm just so grateful I've been able to stay here on my mission. So THAT is really the big news I have this week. And I wasn't planning on ever mentioning it, but my mom told me she'd already told the whole ward and all our family... haha. So much for me keeping it to myself. Anyway, thanks for all your continued love and support and prayers. I CERTAINLY appreciate it!

That's all I really have time for. Sure do love you all! Have a great week!

Hermana Blackburn

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